Who is DDO?

Our Mission 

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What We Value 

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Meet the DDO Team!


Kaitlyn has always had a passion for leading an active, energetic life. After a successful track career at Aquinas College, she was determined to do something running-related in her free time while pursuing her Master's and coaching the women's track team for Aquinas. She would even make it a point to strategically route her runs in neighborhoods where she had the best chance of running past Grand Rapidians walking their pooches (because, let's be honest, who doesn't love to pet a dog?) That’s when DDO was born! It's through DDO that she is able to grow invaluable relationships with families, their dogs, and her fantastic team of walkers and runners - all while getting outside and seizing the day. 

Kaile (walker)

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Abby (walker)

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Will (Content Management Intern) 

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